??100% genuine service ???case to hand payment ?1 hour 3000 ??2 hour 5000 and? full night ??10000 ??home service and Hotel?? service only for ??cash payment no advance no booking no one line just to hand cash payment????
About Kajal patel
??100% genuine service ???case to hand payment ?1 hour 3000 ??2 hour 5000 and? full night ??10000 ??home service and Hotel?? service only for ??cash payment no advance no booking no one line just to hand cash payment????
Gandhinagar | India

Contact Kajal patel by whatsapp for more information.

Name Kajal patel
Gender: Female
Age: 20 Years
Weight: 55 Kg
Height: 5.4 ft
Nationality: Indian
Language: Hindi, English
Location: Gandhinagar, India
